Sports and E-sports becomes a big topic for the JayJay Malixi Project Big Brother that took place last May 19, 2023.

Aug 01, 2023

LSGHAA in partnership with the LSGH Office of Student Activities conducted its 5th session of the JayJay Malixi Project Big Brother for the students of Grade 4 last May 19, 2023. The Talks centered on “Hobbies & Interests”, mainly Sports and Computer Gaming or E-Sports. A total of eight (8) LSGH Alumni Speakers were invited; Three coaches from Traditional Sports and Martial Arts, 5 Computer & E-sports pioneers.

Coach Raoul Emmanuel Xavier T. Ressurection ‘92
Coach Harry C. Peñano ‘98
Prof. Richard L. Lasprilla ‘99

Computer Industry / E-sports:
Mr. Jose Michael L. Alberto 2012
Mr. Kaenu Dominado 2012
Mr. Rodney Jaye A. Manuel 2016
Coach Jericho Peter U. Ambulo 2017
Mr. Carlos Dino Isaiah Gayoso 2020

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